All the date fields in worklog functions can be absolute dates or relative dates. User fields should be a valid username or "CURRENT_USER". The constant "CURRENT_USER" can be used to represent current logged in user.
Function to find all issues for which work was started on the specified date and optionally by a specific user. You can either provide an absolute date of the format 'yyyy/MM/dd' or a relative date. Use 'y' for years, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, 'h' for hours and 'm' for minutes.
Just to confirm, it is work Started and not the day when work was logged.
Since : v1.0
issue in workStartedOn("2010/10/25") - Returns all the issues for which work was started on Oct 25th 2010.
issue in workStartedOn("-1d") - Returns all the issues for which work was started yesterday.
issue in workStartedOn("-1d", "someguy") - Returns all the issues for which work was started yesterday by 'someguy'.
issue in workStartedOn("-1d", "CURRENT_USER") - Returns all the issues for which work was started yesterday by the current user.
Function to find all issues for which work was logged on the specified date and optionally by a specific user. You can either provide an absolute date of the format 'yyyy/MM/dd' or a relative date. Use 'y' for years, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, 'h' for hours and 'm' for minutes.
Just to confirm, it is work Logged and not the day when work was started.
Since : v1.0
issue in workLoggedOn("2010/10/25") - Returns all the issues for which work was logged on Oct 25th 2010.
issue in workLoggedOn("-1d") - Returns all the issues for which work was logged yesterday.
issue in workLoggedOn("-1d", "someguy") - Returns all the issues for which work was logged yesterday by 'someguy'.
issue in workLoggedOn("-1d", "CURRENT_USER") - Returns all the issues for which work was logged yesterday by the current user.
Function to find all issues for which worklog was updated on the specified date and optionally by a specific user. You can either provide an absolute date of the format 'yyyy/MM/dd' or a relative date. Use 'y' for years, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, 'h' for hours and 'm' for minutes.
Just to confirm, it is the day when a worklog was updated and not the day when work was started or logged.
Since : v1.0
issue in workUpdatedOn("2010/10/25") - Returns all the issues for which worklog was updated on Oct 25th 2010.
issue in workUpdatedOn("-1d") - Returns all the issues for which worklog was updated yesterday.
issue in workUpdatedOn("-1d", "someguy") - Returns all the issues for which worklog was updated yesterday by 'someguy'.
issue in workUpdatedOn("-1d", "CURRENT_USER") - Returns all the issues for which worklog was updated yesterday by the current user.
Function to find all issues for which work was logged after a specified date and optionally by a specific user. You can either provide an absolute date of the format 'yyyy/MM/dd' or a relative date. Use 'y' for years, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, 'h' for hours and 'm' for minutes.
Just to confirm, it is the date on which work was logged and not the day when work was started or updated.
Since : v3.0.2
issue in workLoggedAfter("2010/10/25") - Returns all the issues for which work was logged after Oct 25th 2010.
issue in workLoggedAfter("-1d") - Returns all the issues for which work was logged after yesterday.
issue in workLoggedAfter("-1d", "someguy") - Returns all the issues for which work was logged after yesterday by 'someguy'.
issue in workLoggedAfter("-1d", "CURRENT_USER") - Returns all the issues for which work was logged after yesterday by the current user.
Function to find all issues for which work was started between the specified dates and optionally by a specific user. startDate is inclusive where as endDate is not. Both absolute and relative dates are supported, just like the other functions.
Since : v1.0
issue in workLoggedBetween("2010/10/25","2010/11/25") - Returns all the issues for which work was started between Oct 25th 2010 and Nov25th 2010.
issue in workLoggedBetween("-1w","-1d", "someguy") - Returns all the issues for which work was started between a week back and yesterday by 'someguy'.
Function to find all issues for which work was done by a specific user or users in a specific group. If a group is specified, issues where work done by any of the users in that group will be returned.
Since : v7.1
issue in workLoggedBy("someguy") - Returns all the issues for which work was done by "someguy".
issue in workLoggedBy("somegroup") - Returns all the issues for which work was done by users in 'somegroup'. Useful to find issues worked on a certain team.