JQL is very powerful and it brings in all the advantages of Issue Navigator. You can combine them with other JQL functions to narrow down the search. Exporting into different formats, different views, sorting etc comes with Issue Navigator and hence JQL!
Can I subscribe using these new JQL functions?
Yes, you can. You can do anything that is possible with the Issue Navigator and filters.
Does it affect the JIRA performance?
No. JQL Tricks Cloud App uses the native JQL aliases functionality and doesn't add extra load on the system during a search. The indexes itself are built asynchronously to reduce the performance overhead when issues are updated.
There a quite a lot of functions but I am not interested in few of them. Can we have a subset of functions?
This is only an option in Jira DC version of the plugin. However, the JQL aliases are neatly namespaced so that the users can easily find out the functions they are interested in.
How to trouble shoot?
Please create a support ticket in our JIRA and we will surely be able to help!
HOW DO i request for new functions
Please raise a "New Feature" in our JIRA and we will prioritize it based on the criticality of the request.