Function To find all issues in Versions that are due. You can optionally specify the project Key to restrict search within the specified project. This is based on the duedate or release date on a Version. All versions that are due to release after the current date, and still not released, are considered due.
Since : v1.0
fixversion in dueVersions() - Returns all issues in Versions that are due
fixversion in dueVersions("TST") - Returns all issues in Versions that are due in project 'TST'
Function To find all issues in Versions that are overdue. You can optionally specify the project Key to restrict search within the specified project. This is based on the duedate or release date on a Version. All versions that were due to release before the current date, but still not released, are considered overdue.
Since : v1.0
fixversion in overDueVersions() - Returns all issues in Versions that are overdue
fixversion in overDueVersions("TST") - Returns all issues in Versions that are overdue in project 'TST'
Function To find all issues in Versions that are archived. You can optionally specify the project Key to restrict search within the specified project.
Since : v7.0
fixversion in archivedVersions() - Returns all issues in Versions that are archived
fixversion in archivedVersions("TST") - Returns all issues in Versions that are archived in project 'TST'
Function To find all issues in Versions that does not have a release date (i.e. empty release date). You can optionally specify the project Key to restrict search within the specified project.
Since : v1.0
fixversion in openVersions() - Returns all issues in Versions that does not have a release date
fixversion in openVersions("TST") - Returns all issues in Versions that does not have a release date in project 'TST'
Function To find issues in the current versions identified by their sequence. You can optionally specify the project Key to restrict search within the specified project. And you can specify a count, N, to find the N'th open version.
JIRA doesn't allow a start Date and an end Date for versions. Instead there is only a release date and the order of the versions are maintained by a sequence (schedule). This function returns the the version which is due and the first in schedule for a project.
Versions that are due are determined by the release date on the version. It should be after the current date. Out of all releases that are due after today, this function finds the N'th release based on sequence.
Since : v1.0
fixversion in currentVersionsBySeq() - Returns all issues in First version in sequence of all the projects
fixversion in currentVersionsBySeq("TST") - Returns all issues in First version in sequence of project 'TST'
fixversion in currentVersionsBySeq("TST","2") - Returns all issues in Second version in sequence of project 'TST'
fixversion in currentVersionsBySeq("2") - Returns all issues in Second version in sequence of all the projects
Function To find issues in the current versions identified by their date. You can optionally specify the project Key to restrict search within the specified project. And you can specify a count, N, to find the N'th open version.
This function is much similar to the above but instead of sequence it looks for the version that will be released first! i.e. Out of all releases that are due after today, this function finds the N'th release based on release date, instead of sequence.
Since : v1.0
fixversion in currentVersionsByDate() - Returns all issues in First version that will be released of all the projects
fixversion in currentVersionsByDate("TST") - Returns all issues in First version that will be released of project 'TST'
fixversion in currentVersionsByDate("TST","2") - Returns all issues in Second version that will be released of project 'TST'
fixversion in currentVersionsByDate("2") - Returns all issues in Second version that will be released of all the projects
Function To find issues in Versions that are due after specified date. The Date should be in the format 'yyyy/MM/dd'. You can also add relative dates. Use 'y' for years, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, 'h' for hours and 'm' for minutes.
Since : v1.0 - Supports only dates
fixversion in versionsAfterDate("2010/11/15") - Returns all the issues in versions scheduled for release after Nov 15th 2010
Since : v3.0 - Supports hard dates and relative dates
fixversion in versionsAfterDate("2010/11/15") - Returns all the issues in versions scheduled for release after Nov 15th 2010
fixversion in versionsAfterDate("30d") - Returns all the issues in versions scheduled for release after 30 days from now. Negative values are also supported.
Since : v4.0 - Supports a second boolean argument to find versions before the give date. If the boolean is "false", the function will find versions released before the passed date.
fixversion in versionsAfterDate("2010/11/15", "false" ) - Returns all the issues in versions scheduled for release before Nov 15th 2010
fixversion in versionsAfterDate("30d", "false") - Returns all the issues in versions scheduled for release before 30 days from now. Negative values are also supported.
Use versionsAfterDate with second argument as "false". See "versionsAfterDate" tab for examples.
Function To find issues in Versions due on specified date. The Date should be in the format 'yyyy/MM/dd'
Since : v1.0 Since : v3.0 - Supports hard dates and relative dates
fixversion in releasedOn("2010/11/15") - Returns all the issues in version scheduled for release on Nov 15th 2010
Function To find issues in Version that follows the specified version. It makes use of the sequential order in the specified version's project to identify the results.
Since : v2.0
fixversion in versionsAfter(10100) - Returns all issues in versions after version with Id 10100 in the project where that version belong!
Function To find issues in Version that are before the specified version. It makes use of the sequential order in the specified version's project to identify the results.
Since : v2.0
fixversion in versionsBefore(10100) - Returns all issues in versions before version with Id 10100 in the project where that version belong!
Function To find issues in Version with name that matches a given Java regular expression
Since : v3.0.1
fixversion in versionMatches("Release 1.0.*") - Returns all issues in versions with names starting at 1.0 like 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2 etc.