JQL Tricks plugin enhances the search functionality in Jira Cloud by adding a set of useful JQL aliases that can be used in JQL queries. These aliases are similar to the standard JQL fields in Jira and duplicates the functionality of complex JQL functions in the Jira DC version.
The plugin offers the aliases under the namespace jqlt and provides an intuitive way of using the functions in Jira's advanced searching. These aliases are first class citizens in Jira and can be used in filters, dashboards, rapid boards etc. You can simply start typing jqlt to get a list of available functions, as shown below.
Following are the full list of aliases along with their syntax and examples.
Link Aliases
Attachment Aliases
Comment Aliases
Worklog Aliases
Subtask Aliases
Parent Aliases
History Aliases
Affects Versions Aliases
Fix Version Aliases
Agile Aliases
Component Aliases
Link Aliases
These are JQL aliases used to search issues based on the issue links and starts with jqlt.links. Following is the full list of link aliases, along with examples.
jqlt.links.count [Operator] [number]
Alias to find issues based on the number of links.
jqlt.links.count = 0 - Returns all issues without any issue links
jqlt.links.count > 3 - Returns all issues with more than 3 issue links
jqlt.links.type [Operator] [issue link type]
Alias to find issues that has a given issue link type.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.links.type = "is blocked by" - Returns all issues that has at least one issue link of type "is blocked by"
jqlt.links.type in ("is blocked by", "clones") - Returns all issues that has at least one issue link of type "is blocked by" OR "clones"
jqlt.links.type = "is blocked by" AND jqlt.links.type = "clones" - Returns all issues that has at least one issue link of both type "is blocked by" AND "clones"
jqlt.links.issue [Operator] [issueKey]
Alias to find issues that are linked to a given issue.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.links.issue = "JTRICKS-11" - Returns all issues that are linked to JTRICKS-11
jqlt.links.issue in ("JTRICKS-11", "JTRICKS-12") - Returns all issues that are linked to JTRICKS-11 OR JTRICKS-12
jqlt.links.issue = "JTRICKS-11" AND jqlt.links.issue = "JTRICKS-12" - Returns all issues that are linked to JTRICKS-11 AND JTRICKS-12
jqlt.links.status [Operator] [issue status]
Alias to find issues that has linked issues in a given status.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.links.status = "Open" - Returns all issues that are linked to issues in "Open" status
jqlt.links.status in ("Open", "In Progress") - Returns all issues that are linked to issues in "Open" OR "In Progress" status
jqlt.links.statusCategory [Operator] [issue status Category]
Alias to find issues that has linked issues in a given status category.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.links.statusCategory = "To Do" - Returns all issues that are linked to issues in "To Do" status category
jqlt.links.statusCategory in ("To Do", "In Progress") - Returns all issues that are linked to issues in "To Do" OR "In Progress" status category
jqlt.links.priority [Operator] [issue priority]
Alias to find issues that has linked issues in a given priority.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.links.priority = "Major" - Returns all issues that are linked to issues with priority "Major"
jqlt.links.priority in ("Major", "Blocker") - Returns all issues that are linked to issues with "Major" OR "Blocker" priority
jqlt.links.issuetype [Operator] [issue type]
Alias to find issues that has linked issues of a given issue type.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.links.issuetype = "Bug" - Returns all issues that are linked to Bugs
jqlt.links.issuetype in ("Bug", "Story") - Returns all issues that are linked to Bugs or Stories
jqlt.links.project [Operator] [projectKey]
Alias to find issues that has linked issues in a given project.
jqlt.links.project = "JTRICKS" - Returns all issues that are linked to issues in project with key "JTRICKS"
jqlt.links.project in ("JTRICKS", "DEMO") - Returns all issues that are linked to issues in project with key "JTRICKS" OR "DEMO"
Attachment Aliases
These are JQL aliases used to search issues based on the attachments and starts with jqlt.attachments. Following is the full list of attachment aliases, along with examples.
jqlt.attachments.count [Operator] [number]
Alias to find issues based on the number of attachments.
jqlt.attachments.count = 0 - Returns all issues without any attachments
jqlt.attachments.count > 3 - Returns all issues with more than 3 attachments
jqlt.attachments.createdFirst [Operator] [date]
Alias to find issues based on the date when an attachment was first created on the issue. Date should be in yyyy-mm-dd format. Supports relative dates as well.
jqlt.attachments.createdFirst = "2021-01-06" - Returns all issues with its first attachment created on 2021-01-06
jqlt.attachments.createdFirst >= -3w - Returns all issues where the attachment was first created in the last 3 weeks
jqlt.attachments.createdLast [Operator] [date]
Alias to find issues based on the date when an attachment was last created on the issue. Date should be in yyyy-mm-dd format. Supports relative dates as well.
jqlt.attachments.createdLast = "2021-01-06" - Returns all issues with its last attachment created on 2021-01-06
jqlt.attachments.createdLast >= -3w - Returns all issues where the attachment was last created in the last 3 weeks
jqlt.attachments.createdOn [Operator] [date]
Alias to find issues based on the date when an attachment was created on the issue. Date should be in yyyy-mm-dd format. Supports relative dates as well.
jqlt.attachments.createdOn = "2021-01-06" - Returns all issues with an attachment created on 2021-01-06
jqlt.attachments.createdOn >= -3w - Returns all issues where an attachment was created in the last 3 weeks
jqlt.attachments.createdOn in ("2021-01-06", "2021-01-07") - Returns all issues where an attachment was created on 2021-01-06 OR on 2021-01-07
jqlt.attachments.type [Operator] [file type]
Alias to find issues based on the type of an attachment on the issue. Supports all standard attachment types.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.attachments.type = "png" - Returns all issues with a PNG attachment created on them
jqlt.attachments.type in ("png", "doc") - Returns all issues with a PNG or DOC attachment created on them
jqlt.attachments.name [Operator] [file name]
Alias to find issues based on the name of an attachment on the issue.
Supported Operators : "~", "!~"
jqlt.attachments.name ~ "test" - Returns all issues with attachments that has "test" in its name
jqlt.attachments.name !~ "test" - Returns all issues with attachments that do not have "test" in its name
jqlt.attachments.author [Operator] [user]
Alias to find issues based on the author of an attachment on the issue. Use the user id or pick the user from the suggestions
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.attachments.author = "userId" - Returns all issues that has attachments created by "userId"
jqlt.attachments.author in ("userId1", "userId2") - Returns all issues that has attachments created by "userId1" OR "userId2"
Comment Aliases
These are JQL aliases used to search issues based on the comments and starts with jqlt.comments. Following is the full list of comment aliases, along with examples.
jqlt.comments.count [Operator] [number]
Alias to find issues based on the number of comments.
jqlt.comments.count = 0 - Returns all issues without any comments
jqlt.comments.count >= 3 - Returns all issues with more than 3 comments
jqlt.comments.createdFirst [Operator] [date]
Alias to find issues based on the date when a comment was first created on the issue. Date should be in yyyy-mm-dd format. Supports relative dates as well.
jqlt.comments.createdFirst = "2021-01-06" - Returns all issues with its first comment created on 2021-01-06
jqlt.comments.createdFirst >= -3w - Returns all issues where the comment was first created in the last 3 weeks
jqlt.comments.createdLast [Operator] [date]
Alias to find issues based on the date when a comment was last created on the issue. Date should be in yyyy-mm-dd format. Supports relative dates as well.
jqlt.comments.updatedOn = "2021-01-06" - Returns all issues with a comment updated on 2021-01-06
jqlt.comments.updatedOn >= -3w - Returns all issues where a comment was updated in the last 3 weeks
jqlt.comments.updatedOn in ("2021-01-06", "2021-01-07") - Returns all issues where a comment was updated on 2021-01-06 OR on 2021-01-07
jqlt.comments.updatedBy [Operator] [user]
Alias to find issues based on the updator of a comment on the issue. Use the user id or pick the user from the suggestions
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.comments.updatedBy = "userId" - Returns all issues that has comments updated by "userId"
jqlt.comments.updatedBy in ("userId1", "userId2") - Returns all issues that has comments updated by "userId1" OR "userId2"
Worklog Aliases
These are JQL aliases used to search issues based on the worklogs and starts with jqlt.worklogs. Following is the full list of worklog aliases, along with examples.
jqlt.worklogs.count [Operator] [number]
Alias to find issues based on the number of worklogs.
jqlt.worklogs.count = 0 - Returns all issues without any worklogs
jqlt.worklogs.count > 3 - Returns all issues with more than 3 worklogs
jqlt.worklogs.createdFirst [Operator] [date]
Alias to find issues based on the date when a worklog was first created on the issue. Date should be in yyyy-mm-dd format. Supports relative dates as well.
jqlt.worklogs.createdFirst = "2021-01-06" - Returns all issues with its first worklog created on 2021-01-06
jqlt.worklogs.createdFirst >= -3w - Returns all issues where the worklog was first created in the last 3 weeks
jqlt.worklogs.createdLast [Operator] [date]
Alias to find issues based on the date when a worklog was last created on the issue. Date should be in yyyy-mm-dd format. Supports relative dates as well.
jqlt.worklogs.updatedOn = "2021-01-06" - Returns all issues with a worklog updated on 2021-01-06
jqlt.worklogs.updatedOn >= -3w - Returns all issues where a worklog was updated in the last 3 weeks
jqlt.worklogs.updatedOn in ("2021-01-06", "2021-01-07") - Returns all issues where a worklog was updated on 2021-01-06 OR on 2021-01-07
jqlt.worklogs.updatedBy [Operator] [user]
Alias to find issues based on the updator of a worklog on the issue. Use the user id or pick the user from the suggestions
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.worklogs.updatedBy = "userId" - Returns all issues that has worklogs updated by "userId"
jqlt.worklogs.updatedBy in ("userId1", "userId2") - Returns all issues that has worklogs updated by "userId1" OR "userId2"
Subtask Aliases
These are JQL aliases used to search issues based on their subtasks and starts with jqlt.subtasks. Following is the full list of subtask aliases, along with examples.
jqlt.subtasks.count [Operator] [number]
Alias to find issues based on the number of subtasks.
Alias to find issues that has subtasks in a given priority.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.subtasks.priority = "Major" - Returns all issues that has subtasks with priority "Major"
jqlt.subtasks.priority in ("Major", "Blocker") - Returns all issues that has subtasks with "Major" OR "Blocker" priority
jqlt.subtasks.issuetype [Operator] [issue type]
Alias to find issues that has subtasks of a given issue type.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.subtasks.issuetype = "Sub-task" - Returns all issues that has Sub-task subtasks
jqlt.subtasks.issuetype in ("Sub-task", "Technical Task") - Returns all issues that are linked to Sub-task or "Technical Task" subtasks
Parent Aliases
These are JQL aliases used to search issues based on their parent issues and starts with jqlt.parent. Following is the full list of parent aliases, along with examples.
jqlt.parent.summary [Operator] [parent summary]
Alias to find subtasks based on the summary of its parent issue.
Supported Operators : "~", "!~"
jqlt.parent.summary ~ "test" - Returns all subtasks that has "test" in its parent issue's summary
jqlt.parent.summary !~ "test" - Returns all issues with subtasks that do not have "test" in its parent issue's summary
jqlt.parent.status [Operator] [issue status]
Alias to find subtasks that has its parent issue in a given status.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.parent.status = "Open" - Returns all subtasks that has its parent issue in "Open" status
jqlt.parent.status in ("Open", "In Progress") - Returns all subtasks that has its parent issue in "Open" OR "In Progress" status
jqlt.parent.statusCategory [Operator] [issue status Category]
Alias to find subtasks that has its parent issue in a given status category.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.parent.statusCategory = "To Do" - Returns all subtasks that has its parent issue in "To Do" status category
jqlt.parent.statusCategory in ("To Do", "In Progress") - Returns all subtasks that has its parent issue in "To Do" OR "In Progress" status category
jqlt.parent.priority [Operator] [issue priority]
Alias to find subtasks that has its parent issue in a given priority.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.parent.priority = "Major" - Returns all subtasks that has its parent issue with priority "Major"
jqlt.parent.priority in ("Major", "Blocker") - Returns all subtasks that has its parent issue with "Major" OR "Blocker" priority
jqlt.parent.issuetype [Operator] [issue type]
Alias to find subtasks that has its parent issue of a given issue type.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.parent.issuetype = "Bug" - Returns all subtasks of Bugs
jqlt.parent.issuetype in ("Bug", "Story") - Returns all subtasks of Bugs and Stories
History Aliases
These are JQL aliases used to search issues based on their history and starts with jqlt.history. Following is the full list of history aliases, along with examples.
jqlt.history.field [Operator] [field name]
Alias to find issues where a given field has changed.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.history.field = "assignee" - Returns all issues where the assignee was changed
jqlt.history.field in ("assignee", "reporter") - Returns all issues where the assignee OR reporter was changed
jqlt.history.field = "project" - Returns all issues that were moved from one project to another
Alias to find issues that were changed to a given issuetype.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.history.issuetype.to = "Bug" - Returns all issues that were previously a different issuetype but was changed to Bug
jqlt.history.issuetype.to in ("Bug", "Story") - Returns all issues that were previously a different issuetype but was changed to Bug OR Story
jqlt.history.updatedBy [Operator] [user]
Alias to find issues that were changed by a given user. Use the user id or pick the user from the suggestions.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.history.updatedBy = "user1" - Returns all issues that were updated by user1
jqlt.history.updatedBy in ("user1", "user2") - Returns all issues that were updated by user1 OR user2
jqlt.history.lastUpdatedBy [Operator] [user]
Alias to find issues that were last changed by a given user. Use the user id or pick the user from the suggestions.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.history.lastUpdatedBy = "user1" - Returns all issues that were last updated by user1
jqlt.history.lastUpdatedBy in ("user1", "user2") - Returns all issues that were last updated by user1 OR user2
jqlt.history.lastTransitionedBy [Operator] [user]
Alias to find issues that were last transitioned by a given user. Use the user id or pick the user from the suggestions.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.history.lastTransitionedBy = "user1" - Returns all issues that were last transitioned by user1
jqlt.history.lastTransitionedBy in ("user1", "user2") - Returns all issues that were last transitioned by user1 OR user2
jqlt.history.updatedOn [Operator] [date]
Alias to find issues that were updated on a given date. Date should be in yyyy-mm-dd format. Supports relative dates as well.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.history.updatedOn = "2021-01-06" - Returns all issues that were updated on 2021-01-06
jqlt.history.updatedOn >= -3w - Returns all issues that were updated in the last 3 weeks
Affects Versions Aliases
These are JQL aliases used to search issues based on the affects versions and starts with jqlt.affectsversions. Following is the full list of affects version aliases, along with examples.
jqlt.affectsversions.count [Operator] [number]
Alias to find issues with a given number of affects versions.
Alias to find issues with at least one overdue affects version.
Supported Operators : "=", "!="
jqlt.affectsversions.overdue = true - Returns all issues with at least one overdue affects version
jqlt.affectsversions.overdue = false - Returns all issues that do not have any overdue affects version
Fix Version Aliases
These are JQL aliases used to search issues based on the fix versions and starts with jqlt.fixversions. Following is the full list of fix version aliases, along with examples.
jqlt.fixversions.count [Operator] [number]
Alias to find issues with a given number of affects versions.
jqlt.fixversions.releasedOn = "2021-01-06" - Returns all issues that has at least one fix version that released on 2021-01-06
jqlt.fixversions.releasedOn > -3w - Returns all issues that has at least one fix version that released in the last 3 weeks
jqlt.fixversions.overdue [Operator] [true/false]
Alias to find issues with at least one overdue fix version.
Supported Operators : "=", "!="
jqlt.fixversions.overdue = "true" - Returns all issues with at least one overdue fix version
jqlt.fixversions.overdue = "false" - Returns all issues that do not have any overdue fix version
Agile Aliases
These are JQL aliases used to search issues based on their Epic data and Epics based on their issue data. These aliases starts with jqlt.agile. Following is the full list of agile aliases, along with examples.
jqlt.agile.issueCount [Operator] [number]
Alias to find Epics with a given number of issues under it.
Alias to find issues that has an Epic in a given status category.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.agile.epicStatusCategory = "To Do" - Returns all issues that has an Epic in "To Do" status category
jqlt.agile.epicStatusCategory in ("To Do", "In Progress") - Returns all issues that has an Epic in "To Do" OR "In Progress" status category
jqlt.agile.epicPriority [Operator] [Priority]
Alias to find issues that has an Epic with a given priority.
Supported Operators : "=", "!=", "in", "not in"
jqlt.agile.epicPriority = "Major" - Returns all issues that has an Epic with "Major" priority
jqlt.agile.epicPriority in ("Major", "Blocker") - Returns all issues that has an Epic with "Major" OR "Blocker" priority
Component Aliases
These are JQL aliases used to search issues based on their components and starts with jqlt.components. Following is the full list of component aliases, along with examples.
jqlt.components.count [Operator] [number]
Alias to find issues with a given number of components.