Function to find issues that has same values for the fields given. Minimum two arguments required. Both system fields and custom fields are supported but only LIKE fields can be compared. You can compare a user field with another user field but not with a group field.
Also, you have to provide the custom field name and hence this function won't support custom fields whose name is not unique.
issue in hasSameValues("assignee", "reporter") - Returns all issues tht has same user as assignee and reporter
issue in hasSameValues("assignee", "reporter","myusercustomfield") - Returns all issues tht has same user as assignee and reporter and in the 'myusercustomfield' custom field.
issue in hasSameValues("Text Field1", "summary") - Returns all issues tht has the same value in 'Text Field1' and in 'summary'
issue in hasSameValues("fixVersion", "affectedVersion") - Returns all issues tht has the same Version (atleast one ) as affectedVersion and fixVersion
commentedByUser([User], [Action])
Function to find issues commented by a specific user. If the user is not specified, it will return all issues commented by the current user. Action can be CREATE or UPDATE and will be CREATE by default. When UPDATE is provided, it finds issues where a comment is updated by the current user or the provided user.
Since : v2.0
issue in commentedByUser() - Returns all issues commented by current user
issue in commentedByUser("UPDATE") - Returns all issues where a comment was updated by current user
issue in commentedByUser("someguy") - Returns all issues commented by 'someguy'
issue in commentedByUser("someguy", "UPDATE") - Returns all issues where a comment was updated by 'someguy'
commentedOnDate(date, [User], [Action])
Function To find all issues on which a comment was added on a specified Date. The format supported is 'yyyy/MM/dd'. Since v3.1, You can also add relative dates. Use 'y' for years, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, 'h' for hours and 'm' for minutes.
An optional User parameter can be provided to find comments added by a user on the given date. And an optional Action parameter can be used to find comments updated on a given date by passing "UPDATE" as action value.
Since : v2.0
issue in commentedOnDate("2010/10/25") - Returns all the issues for which comment was added on Oct 25th 2010.
issue in commentedOnDate("-1d") - Returns all the issues for which comment was added yesterday. (Only from v3.1)
issue in commentedOnDate("-1d", "someguy") - Returns all the issues for which comment was added yesterday by "someguy". (Only from v3.1)
issue in commentedOnDate("-1d", "UPDATE") - Returns all the issues for which comment was updated yesterday. (Only from v3.1)
commentedAfterDate(date, [User], [Action])
Function To find all issues on which a comment was added after a specified Date. The format supported is 'yyyy/MM/dd'. You can also add relative dates. Use 'y' for years, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, 'h' for hours and 'm' for minutes.
It is possible to add an optional username to retrieve issues where comment was added by that user. And an optional Action parameter can be used to find comments updated after the given date by passing "UPDATE" as action value.
Since : v4.0
issue in commentedAfterDate("2010/10/25") - Returns all the issues for which comment was added after Oct 25th 2010.
issue in commentedAfterDate("-1d") - Returns all the issues for which comment was added after yesterday.
issue in commentedAfterDate("-1d","someguy") - Returns all the issues for which comment was added by user "someguy" after yesterday.
issue in commentedAfterDate("-1d","UPDATE") - Returns all the issues for which comment was updated after yesterday.
commentedBeforeDate(date, [User], [Action])
Function To find all issues on which a comment was added before a specified Date. The format supported is 'yyyy/MM/dd'. You can also add relative dates. Use 'y' for years, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, 'h' for hours and 'm' for minutes.
It is possible to add an optional username to retrieve issues where comment was added by that user. And an optional Action parameter can be used to find comments updated before the given date by passing "UPDATE" as action value.
Since : v7.0
issue in commentedBeforeDate("2010/10/25") - Returns all the issues for which comment was added before Oct 25th 2010.
issue in commentedBeforeDate("-1d") - Returns all the issues for which comment was added before yesterday.
issue in commentedBeforeDate("-1d","someguy") - Returns all the issues for which comment was added by user "someguy" before yesterday.
issue in commentedBeforeDate("-1d","UPDATE") - Returns all the issues for which comment was updated before yesterday.
Function to find issues on which attachments were added by a specific user. If the user is not specified, it will return all issues on which attachments were added by the current user.
Since : v2.0
issue in attachedByUser() - Returns all issues commented by current user
issue in attachedByUser("someguy") - Returns all issues commented by 'someguy'!
Function To find issues from components with the same name as that of components in the supplied project. See JQLT-7
issue in componentsFromProject("Project A") - Returns all issues from all components (irrespective of project name) if the component name matches with components in "Project A".
issue in componentsFromProject("Project A") and project = "Project B" - Returns issues in "Project B" with components JIRA and Performance if "Project A" has 2 components JIRA and Performance
Function To find all issues on which were moved from one project to another or from one issuetype to another, atleast once. ANY can be used as a keyword to find issues moved from/to any project/issuetype.
Since : v4.0 (type, from and to are supported since v6.2)
issue in movedIssues() - Returns all moved issues
issue in movedIssues("project") - Returns all issues moved from one project to another
issue in movedIssues("issuetype") - Returns all issues moved from one issuetype to another
issue in movedIssues("project","Project A","Project B") - Returns all moved issues from "Project A" to "Project B"
issue in movedIssues("issuetype","Bug","New Feature") - Returns all moved issues from Bug to "New Feature"
issue in movedIssues("project", "ANY", "Project A") - Returns all moved issues from any projects to "Project A"
issue in movedIssues("issuetype","Bug","ANY") - Returns all moved issues from Bug to any issuetype.
Function to find issues that has same fixVersion and affectedVersion fields. This will return only if issues has the same versions in both fix Versions and affected Versions. If you want to find issues where atleast one version matches, please use hasSameValues function instead.
For example, it returns an issue if it has 1.0 & 2.0 in both fxVersions and affectedVersions field but it doesn't return the issue if it has 1.0 & 2.0 in fixVersions but only 1.0 in affectedVersions field.
Since : v4.1
issue in hasSameVersions() - Returns all issues that has same fixVersions and affectedVersions.
hasVersions([count], [versionField])
Function to find issues that has versions. By default, the function searches for issues with fixVersions but you can pass the version field name as an optional argument to search for issues with affected versions or a version custom field. You can also pass an optional count to find issues that has the exact number of versions.
Since : v4.1
issue in hasVersions() - Returns all issues that has at least one fixVersion
issue in hasVersions(3) - Returns all issues that has at least exactly 3 fixVersions
issue in hasVersions(3, "affectedVersion") - Returns all issues that has at least exactly 3 affectedVersions
issue in hasVersions("Test CF") - Returns all issues that has "Test CF" version custom field value set
Function to find issues that has components. You can also pass an optional count to find issues that has the exact number of components.
Since : v4.1
issue in hasComponents() - Returns all issues that has at least one component
issue in hasComponents(3) - Returns all issues that has at least exactly 3 components
*Discontinued methods
Following methods are discontinued because they are supported by JIRA standard functions or other JQLT functions. Please contact us if you need help with those!
hasWatchers([Count],[Operator],[User]) - This method is discontinued from v3.0. Use the JIRA field watchers in Advanced Searching.
resolvedByUser([User]) - This method is discontinued from v3.0. Use the JIRA operator WAS in Advanced Searching
movedToStatusByUser(Status, [User]) - This method is discontinued from v3.0. Use the JIRA operator CHANGED in Advanced Searching
hasNumberValue(Field, Operator, Value) - This method is discontinued from v3.0. Use the Number operators instead.