Function to find subtask issues based on the parent value. Here the argument is a Jql Query and will return the subtask issues for which the parent satisfies the query criteria. ** can be used to escape double quotes in the case of bigger queries.
Since : v2.0
issue in parent("assignee = currentUser()") - Returns all subtask issues where the parent issues is assigned to the current user.
issue in parent("reporter = \"someguy\" AND resolution is EMPTY") - Returns all subtask issues where the parent issue is reported by "someguy" and are unresolved.
Function to find parent issues based on the subtask value. Here the argument is a Jql Query and will return the parent issues for which the atleast one of its subtasks satisfies the query criteria. \ can be used to escape double quotes in the case of bigger queries.
Since : v2.0
issue in subtask("assignee = currentUser()") - Returns all parent issues where the atleast one of its subtasks is assigned to the current user.
issue in subtask("reporter = \"someguy\" AND resolution is EMPTY") - Returns all parent issues where the atleast one of its subtasks is reported by "someguy" and is unresolved.
hasSubtasks([count], [subtaskType], [jqlQuery])
Function to find parent issues with atleast one subtask. From 7.0, the function can optionally take a count, sub task type or a jql query to narrow down the results.
Since : v2.1
issue in hasSubtasks() - Returns all issues with atleast one subtask.
issue in hasSubtasks(5) - Returns all issues with exactly five subtasks.
issue in hasSubtasks("Support Task") - Returns all issues with atleast one subtask of type "Support Task".
issue in hasSubtasks(2, "Support Task") - Returns all issues with exactly 2 subtasks of type "Support Task".
issue in hasSubtasks("project = TEST") - Returns all issues with atleast one subtask from TEST project.
issue in hasSubtasks(2, "Support Task", "project = TEST") - Returns all issues with exactly 2 subtasks of type "Support Task" from TEST poject.
*Discontinued methods
Following methods are discontinued because they are supported by JIRA standard functions or other JQLT functions. Please contact us if you need help with those!
hasSubtaskAssignedTo([User]) - This method is discontinued from v3.0. Use subtask function instead!
hasParentAssignedTo([User]) - This method is discontinued from v3.0. Use parent function instead!
hasSubtaskStatus(status) - This method is discontinued from v3.0. Use subtask function instead!
hasParentStatus(status) - This method is discontinued from v3.0. Use parent function instead!